Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bee update

I apologize for posting late. Sunday was busy and I didn't remember. The bees have been well, I'm not sure if they've been liking the cooler weather we've been having or not. Not a lot else to report, the was more new comb though, so that's good. =-)

Sunday, May 4, 2008

My Bees

Well for all of you who don't know, I have acquired a bee apprenticeship and now have accommodated them to my backyard. I checked on them today with my mom to see if the queen had gotten out of her cage yet. When you first get bees the queen comes in a cage so that the workers can't attack her. It takes a little while for them to get used to her, but when they do they'll start to help her out by eating the candy that plugs up the opening. She was still in the cage, but the candy was almost eaten all the way through, so I poked it out with a stick and let her onto the new comb. It'll take a few weeks for the eggs she lays to hatch, but the sooner I can get more bees, the better.