Saturday, April 19, 2008

Bubbles first post (Hooray!)

Well, welcome to my page, there's not a lot here right now, but hopefully there will be sooner or later. I suppose if you really wanted to, you could leave me a comment, but you don't have to. But it would be nice if you did. but you don't have to. it would make me happy though. but you don't have to. (heheheh) Sorry, I like to be confusing sometimes.


juliecache said...

congratulations on your first blog posting. almost makes me want to cry.

~Maria said...

I was so confused at first but seeing the first to comment I realize this must be a certain niece o' mine! Welcome to the blogging world!

GP & GM Campbell said...

Have started here & so glad you are blogging too. Will try to let you know that we are really tickled to read it.
Love Great Grandma