Sunday, December 21, 2008


Since my brothers Gabe and Cole now share a blog, I need to start posting more so that mine stays cooler than theirs >:)
Well, now I have a job. I work at Dahl's food store, and I bag groceries. School's going okay I suppose, I've taken most of my finals already... Except for my Science one which got canceled because of snow and sleet. Hallelujah! I was going to exempt from that horrid final, but then Mr. Dayton went against what he had told us and put up our grades for a project before finals. Which lowered my grade down to a B+, so now I can't exempt. GGGGGRRRRRR. I really dislike Mr. Dayton. That project was worth more than our final! I've been babysitting when I haven't been working. Yesterday I babysat for the Califfs(sp?), they have two kids who are hilarious. The youngest one is named Gabe and is an ever moving ball of energy. The older one's name is Max, and is about my brother Gabe's age. It's funny, Max thought he can beat me in a pillow fight. Boy was he wrong! Christmas break is almost over. I had a really nice Christmas, got to see all my family.

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